Desiree Burroughs-Hill
Andrea Cantú
Creation of a Human Immune System in a SCID Mouse Model Using Artificial Bone Marrow
Corey Clemons
A Case for Genetic Testing: Issues, Controversy, and Unintended Consequences
Cristina Cordova
Ethical Consequences of Genomics
A.R. El-Khattabi
The Future of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Leah Machen
HIV/AIDS, Socioeconomic Status, and Life Insurance
Tamandra Morgan
Nghi Nguyen
Regulation of stem cell self-renewal and differentiation
Liese Pruitt
National Genome Projects: A New Trend in Biopolitics
Elvera Sofos
Within Grey Area: Patents, Pharmaceuticals, and Genomics
John Thomas
Clarifying the stem cell debate
Girmay Zahilay
Class Photo
Standing: Corey, Nghi, Elvera, AR, Leah, Tamandra. Girmay, Desireé. JohnSeated: Cristina, Elena, Andrea, Amy, Liese
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